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May 28, 2018

Proposal in Forsyth Park | Savannah, GA Wedding Photographer Leigh Wolfe Photography

Thinking about Proposing? Check out Savannah!

Hi friend!

If you know me at all you know Savannah, GA is my muse. I love everything about it. Tourists can’t wait to take a ghost tour or travel down the Savannah River on a riverboat. Maybe even eat at Paula Dean’s and get some candy at the Savannah Candy Company if you’re feeling hungry. Most natives tend to stay away from River Street and opt for Broughton St and even more delicious culinary options (Collins Quarter, Lulu’s Chocolate Bar, that really delicious sushi place that stays open all hours of the night on MLK…..). However, there are a few things that appeal to both the native and the tourist.

One of those places is Forsyth Park. It’s quaint, romantic, the largest green space in the city, and an overall fun place to go. It’s rare on a Saturday to not find a slew of tourists at the fountain, someone getting married at the walkway off of Bull, sports of every kind on the south end field, and couples walking hand and hand into the Mansion. So, it was no surprise to me that my brother-in-law, Brian, thought it’d be the perfect place to propose to his girlfriend, Kayla.

After much prepping and scheming the big day arrived. We kept our texts to a minimum and started on the plan. Brian would walk down Bull St & propose on that iconic walkway up to the fountain. I had all my ducks in a row and knew exactly where I needed to be. Thirty minutes before he was set to propose I got to the park to find out OF COURSE there is a beautiful late fall wedding going on in the EXACT spot he would propose. After a mild panic attack I quickly created a new plan and shot him a text. I found a new hide out just in time for him to park. Somehow I stayed covert and everything went off without a hitch.

Since the proposal happened pretty quickly after I got there and we had time to spare, I thought it’d be fun to do a mini little engagement session {I couldn’t resist}. We only had 30 minutes until dinner, but I’d say these two are pros! Anywho, I hope you all enjoy experiencing their day as much as I did.

Until next time,

AND, if you wanna hear all about this from the groom’s point of view, he was gracious enough to share his story with us 🙂

Well I chose Forsyth Park because that is a spot that me and Kayla decided would be a good date to go on every month; dinner and Forsyth Park. Since we promised each other before that we would commit to going there, it was an easy plan to get her there without raising any questions. Having proposed there will also make that spot even more special every time we go! The two weeks leading up to proposing I had to try very hard to make sure she had no clue this was coming and I’m pretty sure I pulled it off!

I know that I didn’t say one word I had originally planned to say, but I made sure to tell her she makes me the happiest I have ever been every day of my life and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. After she said yes, I also had the entire family and our closest friends waiting at dinner to surprise her! She was blown away and told me that it is something that she will never, ever be able to forget. I am so happy to say that I will get to spend the rest of my life with this fox of a woman and can’t wait to call her my wife. 


Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

This was definitely the height of my sweat attacks. Proposals are literally the scariest and most exhilarating thing I photograph, especially when the couple knows me prior to the day. Scaling trees and being super sneaky is a must for proposals!

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Right about then we realized we should probably book it to the restaurant since everyone was likely already waiting. However, after dinner I did manage to get just a couple more night time shots. This one is my favorite! It’s so cinematic!

Savannah, GA Proposal in Forsyth Park by Leigh Wolfe Photography

Thinking about proposing soon? I’d love to help ya figure out the dates, times, and locations to make it perfect! Send me a quick message here.


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